Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Migori again, Two lives claimed as several seriously injured in a fresh road accident

Two people have been confirmed dead as several nurse injuries following another road carnage in Migori town this morning.

The accident happened after a lorry ferrying sand on Kisii-Migori highway lost breaks and swept vehicles and road users at Faulu Bank.

While confirming the incident, Dr Ian Omom, the medical superintendent at Migori County Referral Hospital in his preliminary report said they had received 11 casualties, one dead

“We have so far confirmed 11 casualties following the road accident, one dead so far,” said Omom.

He added that they are alert to ensure that operations to salvage the lives of those admitted with injuries remain constant.

“We are currently doing what we can to ensure that we do what we can to save the lives of those admitted with injuries, he added.

The body of the dead has been preserved in the Migori County Referral Hospital morgue

Accident black spot

The accident comes just a month after road accident that claimed the lives of 11 whose burial mass was catered for by the county governmrnt of migori.

Out of the 12 people in volved in acciddent today, 2 are undergoing special medical care while 9 have soft tissue injuries according to the report from governor Ochilo Ayacko.

The lorry which rolled severally was miraculously stopped after it hit an electricity pole barring it from causing more casualties.

The accident which happened a few meters from the last scene of the accident has been attributed to a lack of proper planning in town.

“Had the county government installed the bumps as the governor said, the lorry could have not reached this far after losing breaks,” said one resident.

Migori town has been a black spot for such frequent grisly road accidents for the last periods.

During the requiem mass, Governor Ochilo Ayacko proposed radical changes to help control the accidents which have never been implemented to date.

This failure to implement changes which included opening up the highway for ease of movement of vehicles has made the road narrow for usage by vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.

The lack of a proper packing lot along the highway further makes the town messy with vehicles parked along the road

Lagging legislation

While addressing the mourners at the requiem mass, Ochilo also proposed the construction of motorbike stages which is still lagging.

George Omamba, Member of County Assembly for North Kanyamkago said the government should consider directing the heavy load vehicles to pass out of town as a measure to control such accidents.

“I am contemplating writing to the Speaker to call for a special meeting so that we divert such vehicles out of town,” said the MCA.

He also called on the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to embark on proper check-up of vehicles on the highways.

He said that this will ensure that the vehicles are always on good conditions before being allowed to use the roads.

Governor Ayacko however condoled the berieved families and promised to crack his whip as well as addressing the road accident problems in Migori.

With the frequent accidents being witnessed in the two, the county government is yet to take a bold step towards strategies of controlling the road accidents.

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