Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

Bright-Needy Students In Migori Benefit From Equitys Wings to Fly

Equity Bank has sponsored 16 bright but needy students from Migori County to join high school in this year’s Wings to Fly Scholarship Progra

The students drawn from all eight sub-counties of Migori County will benefit from full education sponsorship for four years.

While gracing the occasion held at Migori County Statehouse, Migori governor Dr Ochillo Ayacko noted that the Wings to Fly Program has been a game changer to the education needs of vulnerable families with bright children.

He urged the students to work hard so that they’ll still get an opportunity to be sponsored even after high school noting that he is also a beneficiary of a scholarship.

“I benefited from a scholarship in my school back in the days from the headmaster’s association of South Nyanza, I know how impactful this support will be to you. Make good use of it,” said the governor.


Ayacko also outlined that in last year’s financial budget, a total of 410 students received scholarships amounting to 14 million shillings.

The country gave grants to 310 students amounting to 11 million shillings and those in vocational institutions who are over 1600 received 29 million shillings.

However, he decried delayed disbursement of the county exchequer by the national government, which has hampered their effort to plan for this year’s county scholarships.

The governor called upon other businesses to follow Equity Bank’s footsteps and support vulnerable children academically.

Nicodemus Atela Equity Bank Manager Migori branch while speaking during the occasion, outlined that this year they received a total of 800 applications of which inky 16 students were successful.

As opposed to previous years where they partnered with Elimu scholarships, he noted that this year Elimu scholarship will focus on sponsoring students from refugee camps only.

Migori County Director of Education, Jacob Onyiengo confirmed that the government has made it very clear that school fees remain the

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