The one term Legislature garnered 27,558 votes against his close competitor Elid Kalama Chai
of ODM party who got 19,699 votes.
The results were announced on Thursday night by the Constituency Returning Officer, Hamisi Tsumo ,who thanked the residents for being patient and calm during the counting exercise.
Mr Owen , who received his certificate after the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission returning officer at Pwani University, the county tallying centre on Wednesday will serve his second term as area MP.

He was first elected to parliament in 2017. Before joining politics, the economist expert worked at the county government of Kilifi between 2013 and 2017 when the outgoing governor Amason Kingi appointed him as a county secretary.
During campaigns,Mr Baya promised to prioritize education through ICT.
He also promised to improve the welfare of cashewnut farmers.
Kilifi North constituency is a cashew nut growing region.
The overjoyed Baya thanked his constituents for giving him another chance to serve them, saying he will not let them down.
“I will do my best to transform Kilifi and initiate various development projects to uplift the living standard of the people,” Baya said.
In the race included Amani Ian Mkare of PAA who got 4,502 votes, Gongolo Nobert of Safina with 544,Ziro Elizabeth of USP with 723 votes.
Kilifi County has Seven [7]Constituencies namely Kilifi south,Kaloleni,Rabai ,Ganze ,Malindi and Magarini Constituencies.
In Kilifi North constituency Hon Raila Amollo Odinga led by 39, 278 followed by DP William Samoei Ruto who got 12,797 votes while George Wajackoya 462 as Waihiga Mwaure garnered 147 votes all in the presidential position.